Thursday, October 31, 2019

Healthcare Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Healthcare Management - Essay Example sponse to the impacts of the recession in that it targeted on saving and mobilizing creation of jobs in all sectors while also providing temporary assistance to people directly affected by the recession. Through the Act, people invested heavily in the healthcare sector thereby creating jobs and consequently leading to an improvement in the industry. The Act also compelled the Federal government to spend directly in the healthcare sector among several critical others such as education and energy. This is an award that was set up by the Congress in an attempt to raise awareness about the need for US companies to focus on quality management. The award is thus given to the companies that have observed and successfully implemented these quality management terms and systems. The awards are given to companies in several industries, among them being the healthcare sector. The award system has particularly been influential in facilitating improvement in the healthcare industry with notable areas of improvement being seen in the leadership, customer focus and human resource management and development. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) made a ruling on the implementation of this program which is the last Medicare pay-for-performance initiatives. Through this program, hospitals which perform poorly in reducing conditions and complications that patients acquire while undergoing treatment (secondary diagnosis), will have their inpatient payments funded by Medicare reduced. This ruling is meant to send a word of caution to hospitals on the need to improve their services and consequently lead to improved healthcare. It is expected that about 80 million Americans will be retiring within the next 20 years, which means that demand for primary care and other healthcare workforce will shoot drastically. This is, therefore, expected to prompt a demand for healthcare related employment opportunities thereby attracting more enrollment in education programs such as

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

History Us Essay Example for Free

History Us Essay The Dawes Act, also known as the â€Å"General Allotment Act of 1887,† was – in theory – meant to protect the â€Å"property rights† of indigenous peoples during an anticipated â€Å"land rush† when â€Å"Unassigned Lands† in present-day Oklahoma were opened for settlement. Its sponsor, Senator Henry Dawes (R-Massachusetts), was a believer in the power of land ownership to â€Å"civilize† Native peoples, defining the term as the wearing of â€Å"civilized† (i. e. , manufactured and/or Euro-American type) clothing, the practice of agriculture, residing in homes made of wood and/or brick, the use of horse-drawn vehicles, formal schooling for children, consumption of alcohol and the ownership of property (Oates, 2000). While Dawes’ intentions may have been sincere, the nature of the Act and its results demonstrate that, unlike his detractor, Senator Henry Moore (R-Colorado) – who had actually lived in the West and had a better comprehension of Western land issues – Dawes had little understanding of indigenous culture and traditions. In fact, the U. S. government had spent the better part of a century in attempts to â€Å"register† native peoples and individuals. The Dawes Act was an attempt to â€Å"bribe† Indians with promises of land allotments prior to the land rush, partly in compensation for treatment of the previous 100 years. Not surprisingly, many Indians were not particularly trusting. Wars against, and subsequent relocation of the Nez Perce, Sioux, Yakama and other western tribes were not far in the past; even the painful forced relocation of the Cherokee and other Southeastern peoples a half-century before was within living memory of some. Fearing reprisals, many Indians who had refused to submit relocations in the past would not sign the Dawes Rolls. Either (Oates, 2000). Another provision of the Dawes Act required Indians to give up their given names and take on a more English-sounding name; therefore, someone whose name might translate as â€Å"Running Bear† would wind up having to register as â€Å"Richard Bill,† for example. This made it all too easy for government agents to slip in the names of friends and family members, resulting in the transfer of Indian lands to political cronies (Oates, 2000). The Dawes Act appears to contain an interesting conflict; whereas Section Six refers to Land Patents – which according to the law, grants the landholder unconditional rights to said property in perpetuity, Section Ten asserts Congress’ right of â€Å"Eminent Domain,† allowing the government to confiscate the land for any public use â€Å"upon making just compensation† (USC, 1887), creating a large loophole that was taken advantage of often in the ensuing four decades. The record is clear; nearly half of the treaty land passed into the possession of non-native settlers, and the Meriam Report of 1928 clearly showed how government agents had used provisions of the Dawes Act illegally to deprive indigenous peoples of their property – people who had very little concept of land ownership in the Euro-American sense on the first place. Most Native societies were built on communal living within the context of an extended clan-kinship grouping, which more often was matrilineal. This is significant, because of gender roles; traditionally, males were the hunters, while females gathered or – among the few Native peoples that practiced agriculture at all – engaged in the cultivation of food plants. The imposition of Industrial-Age and hyper-patriarchal Victorian values in which the man was the head of a small nuclear family dependent upon a capitalist system led to the disintegration and ultimate destruction of their traditional kinship support system (Norton, 2003). Ultimately, this was yet another â€Å"divide and conquer† strategy that allowed more Indian lands to pass into the control of Euro-American settlers. II. Reconstruction was an attempt on the part of the U. S. federal government to gradually bring the states of the former Confederacy back into the union and resolve social issues of the conflict. The initial phase of Reconstruction began in 1863 under Abraham Lincoln and his successor, Andrew Johnson. Lincoln’s intentions were to restore the Southern states as quickly and with as little rancor as possible; his moderate program mandated that as soon as 10% of a former Confederate state’s electorate signed a loyalty oath, that state could then form a government body and send representatives to Washington D. C. During the mid-term elections of 1866 however, Congress fell under the control of hard-liners of Johnson’s own party. These â€Å"Radical Republicans† – most likely out of vindictiveness toward ex-Confederates rather than any genuine concern for African-Americans – attempted to enforce â€Å"instant equality† onto Southern society. This â€Å"Radical† phase of Reconstruction lasted from 1866 to 1873, and emphasized civil rights and universal suffrage for freed blacks, many of whom were appointed to offices for which many were not necessarily qualified. Numerous well-meaning Northerners moved to the South as well with the intentions of educating blacks and providing relief for blacks and whites displaced by the war; however, they were accompanied by a large number of fortune seekers, who became known as â€Å"Carpetbaggers. † Along with free blacks and native white southern Republicans known as â€Å"Scalawags,† the Carpetbaggers formed a Republican coalition that managed to gain control of every southern state except for Virginia (Norton, 2003). The third phase of Reconstruction started when conservative Democratic coalitions of white supremacists – known as â€Å"Redeemers† – began taking back state legislatures, a process that was complete by 1877. (The former Confederacy would not elect another Republican president for 103 years). It would appear – at least from the perspective of a Southern landowner or former landowner – that such a backlash was inevitable. Many southern slaveholders operated under a sincere belief (misguided as it was) that their Negroes were better off under the â€Å"care† of their masters. When slaves went â€Å"on strike,† and even deserted plantations, surrendering themselves to oncoming Union troops, there were genuine feelings of betrayal. Meanwhile, Northerners often had little love for blacks; for example, an 1863 law that allowed rich whites to buy their way out of the draft led to perceptions among working-class whites that they were being expected to die for the benefit of blacks; this resulted in major riots in New York and Detroit in which many blacks were attacked and killed (Zinn, 2003). Once the white supremacists were back in control, they wasted little time in excluding Afro-Americans from mainstream society, banning them from restaurants, schools, and other establishments as well as suppressing the vote in a number of ways. When challenged in 1883 under the Fourteenth Amendment, the Supreme Court interpreted it in a way that made it useless as a guarantor of civil rights, essentially nullifying the Civil Rights Act of 1875. The majority ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment applied to states only, and not private citizens; therefore, discrimination by private individuals was completely within the law. In a dissenting opinion, Justice John Harlan – himself a former slave owner – wrote that discrimination was a â€Å"badge of slavery,† and therefore illegal under the Thirteenth Amendment banning the â€Å"peculiar institution,† as well as Article 4, Section 2 of the Fourteenth: â€Å"†¦the citizens [one born in the U. S. ] of each state shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of citizens in the several States† (Zinn, 2003). Nonetheless, the court then – as now – was swinging toward interpretations that favored Big Business and corporate capitalism, which has never had any use for equality of any kind. This eventually paved the way for Plessy v. Fergusson and the subsequent decades of â€Å"Jim Crow† apartheid in the south. III. On the eve of the First World War, class struggle between the workers and corporate capitalism was intensifying. On one side were socialist movements whose members clearly saw what the war was about: the struggle between capitalist power-brokers, through their bought-and-paid-for national governments, over land, colonies, resources, power and wealth – none of which in the working class, who nonetheless wound up fighting an dying in the trenches for these concepts, had any stake whatsoever. On the other side – then as now – were the corporate capitalists, who had a great deal at stake over the outcome of the war. American corporations had substantial investments in British companies and vice-versa; meanwhile, Britain was draining its treasury as well as its people for a war that historians today has never been shown to bring â€Å"any gain for humanity that would be worth one human life† (Zinn, 2003). The German announcement in April of 1917 that they would sink any ship carrying supplies to their enemies (i. e. , Britain) has long been cited as a reason that Wilson eventually sought a declaration of war from Congress. However, German-Americans had for some time been sending aid to the ancestral homeland, while the British had been interfering with the rights of U. S. citizens on the high seas during the same period. Because of economic reality however, Wilson had to find other reasons to enter the war on the side of the Allies (Zinn, 2003). According to historian Richard Hofstader, there were a number of economic reasons that shaped Wilson’s policy on the war; a recession that had begun in 1914 had begun to ease starting the following year because of orders by the Allies that totaled over $2 billion by 1917. By the time the war had begun, foreign investment in the U. S. totaled $3 ? billion. Foreign markets were considered vital to the U. S. economy. Since the outbreak of hostilities, Britain was buying not only durable goods and war materiel from U. S. companies, but since the lift on a ban on private bank loans to the Allies, were taking out many interest-bearing loans as well. The result is that the U. S. economy became closely tied to British victory. African-American author and activist W. E. B. DuBois clearly saw that the wealth of the U. S. and Europe was built on the backs of people in the lands which they had colonized – chiefly Africa and Asia, control over which were at the heart of the conflict. War, he said was a â€Å"safety valve† for the tensions of class conflict. Warfare created an â€Å"artificial community of interest† between the corporatist/investor class and that of the workers (Zinn, 2003). This was not lost on the workers of the nation. Only 73,000 men volunteered in during the first six weeks following the declaration, and there was little indication of public support. Socialist anti-war rallies throughout the country were attended by thousands of working people protesting the war and corporate profiteering. A conservative newspaper in Akron, Ohio admitted that the nation â€Å"had never embarked upon a more unpopular war† (Zinn, 2003). The federal government – at the behest of the corporate interests who then (as now) had the legislature in its back pocket – had little choice but institute legal and punitive measures which included both military conscription and the Espionage Act – a law of dubious constitutionality passed for the purpose of silencing dissent (Oates, 2000). While ostensibly the law was to protect the nation from spies, a clause provided for a penalty of up to twenty years imprisonment for anyone found guilty of causing â€Å"insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny or refusal of duty,† although another clause stated that â€Å"nothing in this section shall be construed to limit or restrict†¦any discussion, comment, or criticism of the acts or policies of the Government. † Nonetheless, Socialist leader Charles Schenk was arrested in September 1917 for the distribution of leaflets arguing that conscription was a violation of the Thirteenth Amendment. Another Socialist, Eugene V. Debs, was arrested the following June for making a public speech against the war. Eventually, nine hundred people were incarcerated under the Espionage Act and dissenters buried under an intense propaganda campaign by the government and their corporate lapdogs in the media. IV. â€Å"Prohibition† – the perhaps well-intentioned, but misguided attempt to outlaw the consumption of alcohol and spirituous liquors – dates back to the beginning of the republic. During colonial times, moderate alcohol consumption was tolerated, but over-indulgence was not. Alcohol was a â€Å"gift of God,† while drunkenness was seen as an abuse of that gift, but alcohol itself was not seen as a problem – only the behaviors associated with its excessive consumption. By the time of the revolution however, this had changed significantly. The shift from an agrarian to an urban society brought with it the usual consequences of poverty and unemployment, which in turn resulted in crime. With a strongly Puritan-influenced mindset, most devout Americans were unable to make the connection between poverty and crime, so alcohol became the scapegoat. The complete prohibition of alcoholic beverages was promulgated by religious Protestant groups on the grounds that it was the cause of crime and domestic violence. Prohibition movements met with limited success in the years running up to the Civil War. After a twenty-year hiatus, the concept was revived by the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union and the Prohibition Party, which gained significant political power in the forty-year period on either side of 1900. Prohibition laws were enacted locally throughout the nation, even to the point of becoming state law in Kansas. A number of southern states as well as individual counties within those states, with their streak of religious conservatism and intolerance, followed suit (Norton, 2003). (This patchwork of laws had some rather odd results that persist to the present day; for example, Jack Daniels Whiskey is still manufactured in Lynchburg, Tennessee, but local ordinance makes it illegal to sell or purchase it there. )

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Positive Representation Of Coach Carter

Positive Representation Of Coach Carter The main character in the film that has been used in the film under a positive light is Coach Ken Carter who is the main character of the plotline. By this I use technical codes to prove the this theory. Technical codes are used in the film Coach Carter to present the Protagonist Coach Carter in a positive light. Technical codes are split into sub-sections of Lighting and Dialogue. Each having there different perspective on how the character is seen in this particular way with each also having a different affect on how the viewer is positioned to feel about the characters actions, words and thoughts throughout the film. Technical codes have a huge importance on the way Coach Carter is presented in the film in this case positively. The use of Lighting in the film has positioned viewers to see Coach Carter in a Positive light. Bright lighting in a room represents positivity with darkness showing negativity, evilness and horror. An example of Coach Carter being respected in a positive way is when he is amongst his new fellow team (students) on his first day, His speech about the teams attitudes and his ways of learning and training are seen with a flash of dime light seen across his face. This effect shows Victory, positivity as well as viewed as Hero figure towards viewers. The use of lighting seen at this time reflects as well his speech obviously making it important and that he is seen as a Protagonist not an Antagonist which would have been seen with a dark atmosphere not light. The use of Dialogue positions viewers to see Coach Carter in a positive way. At the time of struggles with Principal___________ Coach Carter faces many negative comments from Parents and higher authorities though the character uses positive attitudes and words towards the goals and achievements the team wish to accomplish. Coach Carter quotes these kids can win games and achieve high if they set their minds to it, with Coach Carter saying this positivity towards the team and hope is seen through this characters dialogue or speech as if he said negative let down comments he would be portrayed in a negative light. Coach Carter is shown with a great heart at this time as he gives the team the opportunity to improve their studies over basketball as education is crucial in these circumstances and with him teaching the team this he is seen positively. The use of technical codes through lighting and Dialogue are crucial in positioning a viewer to think of a character in this case Coach Carter in a positive light. The use of Lighting against Coach Carter is present with a flash of light and Dialogue with the use of his Hopeful and positive speeches which brings this character forward as positive towards the team and others throughout the film. What Techniques does the film employ to present Coach Carter in a particular way? The use of Film codes in a film are used to position viewers about characters in a particular way. Film codes of Symbolic, Technical, audio and written are used to show the characters in a particular way. Camera angles and shots, lighting, Dialogue and behavioural attitudes and Symbolic objects are used to position viewers about the acts and speech towards others throughout the film. The use of Symbolic objects positions viewers to feel a bias perspective towards the characters. At the time of the lock out caused by the appalling scores from the team coach carter had decided to lock up the gym doors with a thick, metal chain. Throughout a film a chain normally represents power, strength and control. This action was committed by Coach Carter which positions viewers to think that the character has control, command and authority over the team. This shows that Coach Carter is strict and in control. This technique is used to give the viewer the understanding of what the character is like and how he has been purposely positioned by the director to manipulate viewers to think of him a Dominant. Camera angles are Technical codes that are used in the film to position Characters in a particular way. High camera angles are used in films to purposely show innocence and recessive (weak) attitudes towards the character who is being targeted at. Low camera angles are only used by coach carter to represent Authority and power. An example is with one of the meetings with principal___________ in between their argument Principal __________ is set sitting low against the chair with Coach Carter standing up proud looking down on her. This is purposely used to show viewers that coach carter has overtime grown to a higher authority and is more dominant over principal__________. These angles normally show in a film who holds the power at that particular time in this case we know from fact that Coach Carter holds that power as this is shown through the use of camera angles which are Technical Codes. Camera shots are Technical codes used to position viewers to think a particular way towards a character. Coach Carter is sometimes seen up close in intense situations such as at the time when racial comments are used in the gym by the team. Close ups show facial or emotional expressions based on what has been said. Though at this time by the way he is presented we know he is well educated with the fact that he knows what is said is wrong and he opposes the team about it. We are positioned by this to feel for coach carter as we think he comes from good willing intentions and that he is educated to see what is said is wrong. The overall use of camera shots is to show a characters feelings and emotions at a particular time throughout the film. Lighting is a Technical code used to display positively and negativity of a character that has been shot in a particular scene. The use of light is used to show the presence of trust and a hero figure (positively) with darkness representing negativity and troubled times. The scene when Coach Carter mentions that winning isnt everything a beam of dime light is flashed across his face. This is used to manipulate viewers to think that he is in the shape of a hero figure with the adjustment that what he is saying is trustworthy information and can be counted on. Darkness is used throughout the film on Temo Cruz when he is arguing back to Coach Carter on his first entrance to the gym. This shows trouble and bad attitude towards another as most of his face was covered in darkness with the Coaches in light. The use of lighting is important in depicting characters based on the attitudes and to compare and contrast characters with positively and negativity. Audio also known as background sound is a technique used to lead viewers to think about a character in a certain way. The use of RAP music is used at certain times of the film. One part is when Drugs is being dealt with by Temo Cruz in the streets, we compare this action to the music as Rap normally contains profanity language making it a negative and what is being done here, a criminal action which is negative we can easily link the actions of a character to the audio music played at that time. From this we can easily say that the character in the scene with this type of music is portrayed as negative to an audience. The use of audio is a great example in linking right and wrong actions or speech throughout a film. Overall the use of Film codes is to manipulate viewers to think a certain way about a character. The use of lighting, angle, shots, sound have all different effects on how the are used to base an opinion on a character. This perspective is Bias as techniques either present characters as Positive, negative, important or Dominant. Coach Carter is the main character that has most of these techniques used against him as he is the Antagonist and he needs to be easily recognised. The use of techniques has an impact on the feelings and emotions of characters based on their speech and actions. Motivation Motivation is key in impressing and keeping the attention of viewers. The basic plot line is based around an ex basketball coach that returns back to Richmond High school to take the position of training their poorly achievable basketball team. The thing that motivates viewers is the constant action of training and game playing as we are motivated to see who wins and losses throughout the course of the film. There is a high motivation with the speeches that come out of Coach Carter throughout the film as comments of commitment equals satisfaction this motivates viewers to think what is said would be seen later on a if it was false they wouldnt of made it to state championships. The film motivates viewers as it is under true fact, based on a true story this helps as important lines and dialogue is said to prompt viewers as we would like to see how the team ends up with Coach Carters helpful advice. I personally feel that the film motivates me as it is based on a true story and that t he plot is interesting enough to see what may happen in the end.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Existentialism :: essays research papers

Existentialism Existentialism is a concept that became popular during the second World War in France, and just after it. French playrights have often used the stage to express their views, and these views came to surface even during a Nazi occupation. Bernard Shaw got his play "Saint Joan" past the German censors because it appeared to be very Anti-British. French audiences however immediately understood the real meaning of the play, and replaced the British with the Germans. Those sorts of "hidden meanings" were common throughout the period so that plays would be able to pass censorship. Existentialism proposes that man is full of anxiety and despare with no meaning in his life, just simply existing, until he made decisive choice about his own future. That is the way to achieve dignity as a human being. Existentialists felt that adopting a social or political cause was one way of giving purpose to a life. Sartre is well known for the "Theatre engage" or Theatre 'commited', which is supposedly commited to social and/or political action. On of the major playwrights during this period was Jean-Paul Sartre. Sartre had been imprisoned in Germany in 1940 but managed to escape, and become one of the leaders of the Existential movement. Other popular playwrights were Albert Camus, and Jean Anouilh. Just like Anouilh, Camus accidentally became the spokesman for the French Underground when he wrote his famous essay, "Le Mythe de Sisyphe" or "The Myth of Sisyphus". Sisyphus was the man condemned by the gods to roll a rock to the top of a mountain, only to have it roll back down again. For Camus, this related heavily to everyday life, and he saw Sisyphus an "absurd" hero, with a pointless existance. Camus felt that it was necessary to wonder what the meaning of life was, and that the human being longed for some sense of clarity in the world, since "if the world were clear, art would not exist". "The Myth of Sisyphus" became a prototype for existentialism in the theatre, and eventually The Theatre of the Absurd. Right after the Second World War, Paris became the theatre capital of the west, and popularized a new form of surrealistic theatre called "Theatre of the Absurd". Many historians contribute the sudden popularity of absurdism in France to the gruesome revelations of gas chambers and war atrocities coming out of Germany after the war. The main idea of The Theatre of the Absurd was to point out man's helplessness and pointless existance in a world without purpose. As Richard Coe described it "It is the freedom of the slave to crawl east along the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Art: in the beginning Essay

Art, can you imagine a time when art wasn’t part of your culture, it has been around for an extremely long time even the crave man did it. Imagine how much it has evolved since then. In order to understand the technical aspect of art, how the art was created and understanding it’s meaning, you have to travel back in time to Egyptian art. Egypt started it all which influenced the Greeks’ art. Both Egyptian and Greek art has played a heavy influence on today’s Western traditional art. However, they both went about the creation of Art differently. They had different focal points, technics and humanistic views. Embark through the journey of learning about Ancient Art and maybe your view point on art will change. Egyptian imagery was governed by sociality ideals of what was suitable at the time which is why their art seem to appear extremely stagnant. This was done on purpose because they believe that it made their art seem stable with a deific balance. Egyptian art had a common theme, its focused on gods/goddess, royalty and the afterlife. Their art conveyed an idealized version of a person. However, Greeks art may have been influenced by Egyptian art but they took a more of a realistic focal point of art. When creating a human they created a realistic idea of a person by emphasizing facial expressions, stance and their location upon the canvas. When the Egyptian may have focus more on the afterlife then the living the Greeks was the opposite, they value life. Their differences doesn’t stop there it is evident that they both used different approaches to create art. Every artist has a median they used to create the picture they have in their mind. For instance the Egyptian used stone, wood and metal to create sculptures. This limited the amount of movement and actions of the depicted image. Egyptian artists embraced the two-dimensional surfaces. This is where registers where created, separate the scene in the picture as well as a floor for the figure to appear to be standing on. Without the registers the scene would appear chaotic; battles and hunting scenes. The Greeks enjoy creating art on pottery, the Black-and-Red (later there was also Red-and-Black) techniques were used to decorate fine pottery. The formation and creation of the pot in its self is art with the added effect of the  picture that was place on the surface. This form of art had a practical used to it because the specific shapes signified its daily usage, storing and transportation of wine and amphora (food things). Both Egypt and Greece biggest influence of art was based on the human world. They saw the beauty of the naked body but they still have different ideals. The Egypt highlighted the physic of a person rather the humanistic characteristic. While the Greek figure is in the nude, athletic built, youthful, and has a perfect proportion. Egyptians mainly focus on the complete picture. If you standing in an ancient art museum will you be able to identify the Egyptian art and the Greek art by now looking at the technical aspect? They may have a big influence on today’s world of art. The creation of pottery is relatively the same just more efficient with modern technology. The center point of art may have shifted but they all universally go back to the same theme, human life. The technical aspect of art varies now a days and humans remain the focal point of art. Both Egyptians and Greeks approach of art was great, both embodies today’s art.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


This is about termites and details my findings about them, and also is meant to provide some helpful info on how to deal with termite infestation. You’ll find lots of termite pictures here too. But this site is also meant to highlight a whole lot more interesting aspects on these insects, and feature many species which are NOT pests, and which are rare or will never be found in urban environments or human habitation. Second only to ants, termites are one of the most numerous insects on earth (number-wise), but due to habitat destruction, and environmental degradation, some species appear to be declining. A few other species though, are thriving and proving to be troublesome pests, in increasingly man-influenced environments! Very little is known about termites, and hopefully this site can be an online repository of information on them. As a whole, very little is known about termites, save for some species which are important from an economical point of view. Liquid termiticides are commonly applied as a form of barrier treatment, in order to control infestations of subterranean termites in and around homes. These types of barriers work by keeping termites away from a structure as well as killing those that penetrate the treated area. There are a few types of liquid termiticides available on the market today, which are commonly used by extermination professionals. Chemicals such as â€Å"Prevail† and â€Å"Demon† are repellents that keep termites a distance away from the treated area. While these options are relatively effective, it is possible for breaks to form in the treatment perimeter, or for soil to be moved. This can allow termites to penetrate the barrier and enter the home. Other forms of liquid termiticides such as â€Å"Phantom†, â€Å"Premise†, and â€Å"Termidor†, allow termites to enter the treated area and come into direct contact with the liquid. These chemicals do not repel and they do not kill on contact. Instead, the termites that come into contact with the chemical bring it back to their colony, which in turn eliminates the entire population.

Should I Hire Someone to Upload My Ebook or Do it Myself

Should I Hire Someone to Upload My Ebook or Do it Myself When Hope saw my Fiverr gig on uploading ebooks to ebookstores for $5 each, she asked me how I could do it so easily and so cheaply. Actually, uploading is the easiest part of self-publishing, and you probably already have everything you need. Heres what you should know to upload your ebook (varies  ·          An account with the vendor (Amazon, iTunes Connect, Nook Press, Kobo, etc.)  ·          Book title and subtitle (optional)  ·          Series name and number (optional)  ·          Author name(s)  ·          Publisher (you can just use your name, e.g.: Amy Author Books)  ·          Description (back cover blurb)  ·          Book categories (you can find BISAC codes here; two to five categories, depending on the platform)  ·          Age range (for childrens books)  ·          Print length (optional)  ·          Language its written in  ·          ISBN-13 (optional) from Bowker in the U.S., plus the print ISBN-13 if there is a print version  ·          Base Currency (yours - USD, CAN, GBP, EUR, AU, etc.)  ·          Book price in your currency  ·          Book price for other countries (either use their default at the exchange rate or change to end in .99)  ·          Keywords (what the reader will search for to find your book)  ·          Whether you want Digital Rights Management (DRM)  ·          If its not in the public domain, verification that you have the rights to publish it  ·          An ebook file (most will take .doc files, but an .epub looks better)  ·          A cover (in .jpg or .png format) Once the client provides me with all of this information, its easy to just copy and paste. If a problem comes up, its usually in iBooks, related to the cover. The outside cover shown on the site needs to be a minimum of 1,400 pixels wide. However, the cover on the inside of the book must be smaller (no more than four million pixels). The same is true for all interior images. So, if its so easy to upload, why would anyone hire someone else to do it? Usually, its because they dont have access. For example, uploading to iBooks requires a Mac. If you dont have a Mac, you can use Mac in Cloud for a fee, go through an aggregator like Draft2Digital or Smashwords, or hire someone to do it for you. The learning curve for Mac in Cloud could be costly, and, if you go through an aggregator, you will be charged 10-15 percent of all sales you make. Thats why people will pay someone on Fiverr to upload to iBooks for them. It does require that you give a stranger your userid and password to your account, but if you find someone with good reviews, its not much of a risk, and you can always change your password immediately after they upload. Another reason people might hire someone else to upload their ebook is if they live outside the U.S. and want to publish their book on Nook Press. I understand its difficult, if not impossible. So, hiring someone to do it for a few bucks makes sense. I hope I took some of the mystery (and fear) out of uploading for you, and helped you make your decision whether to do it yourself or hire someone to do it for you. And, hey, if you need assistance, check out my Fiverr gig. Id be happy to help you.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Introduction to Bipedal Locomotion

Introduction to Bipedal Locomotion Bipedal locomotion refers to walking on two legs in an upright position, and the only animal to do that all the time is the modern human. Our ancestor primates lived in trees and rarely set foot on the ground; our ancestor hominins moved out of those trees and lived primarily in the savannas. Walking upright all the time is thought to have been an evolutionary step forward if you will, and one of the hallmarks of being human. Scholars have often argued that walking erect is an enormous advantage. Walking erect improves communication, allows visual access to farther distances, and changes throwing behaviors. By walking upright, a hominins hands are freed to do all sorts of things, from holding babies to making stone tools to throwing weapons. American neuroscientist Robert Provine has argued that sustained voiced laughter, a trait which greatly facilitates social interactions, is only possible in bipeds because the respiration system is freed to do that in an upright position. Evidence for Bipedal Locomotion There are four main ways scholars have used to figure out whether a particular ancient hominin is primarily living in the trees or walking upright: ancient skeletal foot construction, other bone configurations above the foot, footprints of those hominins, and dietary evidence from stable isotopes. The best of these, of course, is foot construction: unfortunately, ancient ancestral bones are difficult to find under any circumstances, and foot bones are very rare indeed. Foot structures associated with bipedal locomotion include a plantar rigidity- flat foot- which means the sole stays flat from step to step. Secondly, hominins that walk on the earth generally have shorter toes than hominins who live in trees. Much of this was learned from the discovery of a nearly complete Ardipithecus ramidus, an ancestor of ours who apparently walked upright sometimes, some 4.4 million years ago. Skeletal constructions above the feet are slightly more common, and scholars have looked at the configurations of the spine, the tilt, and structure of the pelvis, and the way the femur fits into the pelvis to make assumptions about a hominins ability to walk upright. Footprints and Diet Footprints are also rare, but when they are found in a sequence, they hold evidence that reflects the gait, length of stride, and weight transfer during walking. Footprint sites include Laetoli in Tanzania (3.5-3.8 million years ago, probably Australopithecus afarensis; Ileret (1.5 million years ago) and GaJi10 in Kenya, both likely Homo erectus; the Devils Footprints in Italy, H. heidelbergensis about 345,000 years ago; and Langebaan Lagoon in South Africa, early modern humans, 117,000 years ago. Finally, a case has been made that diet infers environment: if a particular hominin ate a lot of grasses rather than fruit from trees, it is likely the hominin lived primarily in grassed savannas. That can be determined through stable isotope analysis. Earliest Bipedalism So far, the earliest known bipedal locomotor was Ardipithecus ramidus, who sometimes- but not always- walked on two legs 4.4 million years ago. Fulltime bipedalism is currently thought to have been achieved by Australopithecus, the type fossil of which is the famous Lucy, approximately 3.5 million years ago. Biologists have argued that foot and ankle bones changed when our primate ancestors came down from the trees, and that after that evolutionary step, we lost the facility to regularly climb trees without the aid of tools or support systems. However, a 2012 study by human evolutionary biologist Vivek Venkataraman and colleagues points out that there are some modern humans who do regularly and quite successfully climb tall trees, in pursuit of honey, fruit, and game. Climbing Trees and Bipedal Locomotion Venkataraman and his colleagues investigated behaviors and anatomical leg structures of two modern-day groups in Uganda: the Twa hunter-gatherers and Bakiga agriculturalists, who have coexisted in Uganda for several centuries. The scholars filmed the Twa climbing trees and used movie stills to capture and measure how much their feet flexed while tree-climbing. They found that although the bony structure of the feet is identical in both groups, there is a difference in the flexibility and length of soft tissue fibers in the feet of people who could climb trees with ease compared with those who cannot. The flexibility that allows people to climb trees only involves soft tissue, not the bones themselves. Venkataraman and colleagues caution that the foot and ankle construction of Australopithecus, for example, does not rule out tree-climbing, even though it does allow upright bipedal locomotion.   Sources Been, Ella, et al. Morphology and Function of the Lumbar Spine of the Kebara 2 Neandertal. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 142.4 (2010): 549-57. Print. Crompton, Robin H., et al. Human-Like External Function of the Foot, and Fully Upright Gait, Confirmed in the 3.66 Million Year Old Laetoli Hominin Footprints by Topographic Statistics, Experimental Footprint-Formation and Computer Simulation. Journal of The Royal Society Interface 9.69 (2012): 707-19. Print. DeSilva, Jeremy M., and Zachary J. Throckmorton. Lucys Flat Feet: The Relationship between the Ankle and Rearfoot Arching in Early Hominins. PLoS ONE 5.12 (2011): e14432. Print. Haeusler, Martin, Regula Schiess, and Thomas Boeni. New Vertebral and Rib Material Point to Modern Bauplan of the Nariokotome Homo Erectus Skeleton. Journal of Human Evolution 61.5 (2011): 575-82. Print. Harcourt-Smith, William E. H. Origin of Bipedal Locomotion. Handbook of Paleoanthropology. Eds. Henke, Winfried, and Ian Tattersall. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2015. 1919-59. Print. Huseynov, Alik, et al. Developmental Evidence for Obstetric Adaptation of the Human Female Pelvis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113.19 (2016): 5227-32. Print. Lipfert, Susanne W., et al. A Model-Experiment Comparison of System Dynamics for Human Walking and Running. Journal of Theoretical Biology 292.Supplement C (2012): 11-17. Print. Mitteroecker, Philipp, and Barbara Fischer. Adult Pelvic Shape Change Is an Evolutionary Side Effect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113.26 (2016): E3596-E96. Print. Provine, Robert R. Laughter as an Approach to Vocal Evolution: The Bipedal Theory. Psychonomic Bulletin Review 24.1 (2017): 238-44. Print. Raichlen, David A., et al. Laetoli Footprints Preserve Earliest Direct Evidence of Human-Like Bipedal Biomechanics. PLoS ONE 5.3 (2010): e9769. Print. Venkataraman, Vivek V., Thomas S. Kraft, and Nathaniel J. Dominy. Tree Climbing and Human Evolution. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (2012). Print. Ward, Carol V., William H. Kimbel, and Donald C. Johanson. Complete Fourth Metatarsal Andarches in the Foot of Australopithecus Afarensis. Science 331 (2011): 750-53. Print. Winder, Isabelle C., et al. Complex Topography and Human Evolution: The Missing Link. Antiquity 87 (2013): 333-49. Print.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

ECON 4020-001 - Intermed Macroecon Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

ECON 4020-001 - Intermed Macroecon - Essay Example Davidson suggests that US increased the national debt during wars and recessionary periods because during those times only spender is government. The spending by the government therefore stimulates the necessary domestic demand which creates more jobs and increases the consumption. He provides evidence of how large deficits by the government during war and recessionary times actually were followed by periods of economic prosperity as well as job creation. Era after World War II was an era which was economically more prosperous than the times before war and one of the most important reasons for this was the government spending during war times by the US government and resulting large deficits. Davidson therefore suggests that actual task of fiscal policy is to act as a balancing wheel to generate sufficient aggregate demand which can stimulate entrepreneurs to create new jobs and deter from imposing or raising taxes to reduce the fiscal deficit and remove the role of government from the economy. Robert J Barrow’s article â€Å"Robin Hood Cant Lead Us Out of the Debt Hole: Obamas obsession with higher tax rates on the rich is not helpful† however focuses upon the argument of raising marginal taxes for rich in America to finance the fiscal deficit of the country. Barrow suggests that the current government in US may be missing the point that by increasing the government expenditure, multiplier effect can have a positive impact on the economy. He presents the recent historical analysis of the financial crisis and how the government actually allowed Lehman Brothers to fail to actually initiate a systematic failure of important institutions. Barrow therefore argues that rather than taxing the rich, the overall composition of the federal government needs to be changed. Government shall increase the maximum age limit for the entitlement of the social security as well as further rationalize the federal government

Friday, October 18, 2019

Summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Summary - Essay Example As it were it introduces an altered relationship as opposed to the one generally perceived in the writing on financial sector advancement. The vitality of that to the current center of the Qatari government on broadening of its economy identifies with the inquiry of how decently represented this sector is to help this arrangement as a wellspring of development, vocation and pay and how appropriate government activities are in backing of accomplishing such an objective. Qatar is an extremely youthful and little express that has accomplished enormous strides in its financial advancement since its freedom in 1971. It has moved from an economy underpinned by essential economic exercises to a rich oil-trading state. The development and advancement that went hand in hand with the solidification of its oil economy has been generous thinking of it as little populace. As indicated by the 2004 enumeration the populace was put at 744.000, an increment of 42.5 percent on the past statistics of 1997. A 2006 review demonstrated that the populace had developed to 834,754, an increment of 12.6 percent on the 2004 evaluation. In any case, late gauges demonstrate that the aggregate populace arrived at 1,650,139 in 2009. This fast increment is because of the vast onrushing of outside work to address the needs of the extending economy. Qatari nationals speak to short of what 34 percent of the aggregate populace. The nations every capita Gross domestic product surpass ed USD 54,000 in 2006 and is estimate to reach more than USD 103,500 in 2009; one of the worlds most astounding. Regularly, the little size of the populace in connection to the enormous size of its Gross domestic product is an element in this. These riches has propelled the political authority of Qatar to be amazingly yearning about putting Qatar on the world guide on account of its oil and

Managing health services for quality Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Managing health services for quality - Essay Example Nonetheless, a mere increase in the budget without the corresponding increase in the number of personnel does not result in a more efficient and competent service. Efficiency will only be enhanced by a small percentage due to the heightened motivation brought about by the increase in salary. It is emphasized that while the workforce has exhibited noticeable enthusiasm in its performance, this is not reflective of true efficiency since this will plateau after a period of time when effect of the budget or wage increase has lost its appeal or when fatigue sets in. Efficiency should not therefore be measured by the amount of money poured into the NHS as the amount of money does not create more time for the same number of personnel to perform their functions with efficiency and fervour. Efficiency therefore should be computed base on the number of patients handled per NHS personnel. Please note that NHS is not composed solely of medical personnel who actually interact with patients but ra ther it is also complemented by administrative personnel and other non-essential or semi-essential staff to run efficiently. Efficiency should similarly be equated on the number of essential personnel whose responsibility involves face to face interaction with patients. Focusing on Jo Webber’s letter regarding ambulance response time, Jo was in the opinion that essential to meeting response time for ambulance is also satisfying the actual need of the patient in such time of medical distress. It would not make any sense he averred that the ambulance is at the scene simply to meet the time limit but is inutile in responding to the medical needs of the patient. It cannot be ignored however that measuring response time is the only visible aspect of emergency response that can be considered to quantify efficiency. Other factors such as effectiveness of the team will always rely on the present situation since at most every ambulance is only equipped to respond to certain emergencie s but definitely not on all emergencies. Otherwise every ambulance will be considered a moving field hospital travelling in excess of 100kph on the average. Chris Week’s letter regarding patient empowerment elucidated the need for patient to choose the kind of medical care a person would like to have and from whom. Although NHS and some HMO guarantee the best kind of service available to residents, the extent of a patient’s empowerment should not go beyond what is required to fulfil the mandate of medical practitioners to provide medical care. To illustrate: There are patients who cannot decide rationally because of their fear as to the severity of their medical condition. Imposing patient empowerment on the situation would run counter to the interest of the patient and if it remains unabated notwithstanding benign illnesses, patients would demand the performance of unnecessary tests simply to convince them of a non-existent syndrome in the first place to the detriment of those patients who are in dire need treatment. b. Cause: Regarding Richard Barnes comment: NAO’s concern although fiscal competence should also take into consideration the fiscal cost of efficiency. Fiscal cost of efficiency refers to the amount of capital needed to achieve a certain level of efficiency. In this case, it would seem that there is confusion with regards to the efficiency criteria NAO is trying to project to the public. Measuring efficiency based on the

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Philosophy - Essay Example America’s Visions Different continents in the world have dissimilar myths about human identity. For instance, in America, the first story is on Emergence, which states that all human being came from a different world and settled in the one they are currently living. The other world, which is the womb, is considered as the earth mother. This emergence is often referred to as giving birth. The midwife in this case is a female who is like a spider woman. In this emergence story, the male human beings are not featured anywhere. In this case, the formation of human beings is often done in dissimilar stages of growth and change. This is necessitated by inner forces in the womb, and finally the people emerge from a hole and eventually settle in their present homes. The ex nihilo story is found in many cultures, America included, which means â€Å"out of nothing†. Human identity is brought about by the thought of a creator who through his dreams and breath was able to form a hu man being. Through the creator’s bodily secretions, they believed that a being would be formed because of that. This is solely from within the creator who does not exist in the physical world. Another story is the world parent, which describes the union of two parents when they are both disjoined from one another. These two parents are referred to as the Sky and the Earth, which describes the male, and female respectively. ... East Asia In East Asia, and particularly Japan, their vision of human identity was similar to the American and Central Asian cultures. At first, there was chaos, and out of it came light that formed the sky. It later formed the earth. Both the sky and the earth formed various creations and it is at this time that the roots of two people Yang and Yin who were male and female respectively begun to grow in the sky and the earth. At this time both of them were united together and they started separating to create a man and another light brought another person who was like him and he taught him to make clothes to cover himself because he was naked. Another version is of how a bird was sent under the water to create a land inside the water where people can live. The bird then went splashing water apart with its feet at the same time creating the earth when people will live. They believe that their ancestor was a bear because of their hairy bodies. They also believe that two people a male a nd a female were sent to the earth and had a son from where they originated. Australia and the Pacific vision A vision on the Australian myths was about analyzing every animal and its features, which included why the emu has long legs, why the snake has no legs and the reason why the koala has no tail among others. They tell of the formation of the Milky Way and the migration of animals to Australia. They tell of how the first humans came into existence in the continent and how the beginning came into existence. They believed in a wondrous being that went all over the world creating trees, animals and everything in the world and lastly created human beings. African Vision In

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Stem Cells Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Stem Cells - Research Paper Example Stem Cells are specialized and powerful cells found in the body. The stem cells are non-differentiated cells, and have the potentiality of differentiating to form other cells. In the process of differentiation of the stem cells, they divide through mitosis. The stem cells in adults can be harvested from three main areas. The bone marrow is a special area where the cells can be extracted. From the bone marrow, the cells are harvested by drilling through the bones of the iliac crest or the femur where the stem cells are in abundance. Other than the bone marrow, adipose tissue (lipid cells) is another of the key areas where stem cells could be harvested. The stem cells from the adipose tissues are harvested through the means of liposuction. Additionally, the stem cells can be extracted from the blood tissues. The process of extraction of stem cell from the blood is called apheresis. In this process, blood is drawn from a donor similar to the typical blood donation mechanism, but in this procedure, the blood is flown through a specialized machine that separates the stem cells from the blood (Rodriguez et al., 2005). Apart from extraction of stem cells from mature adults, the cells can be gotten from the umbilical cord and are usually extracted immediately at birth. Of all the means through which the stem cells can be harvested, it is safer when a stem cell from an individual is implanted to the same individual. In this means, a stem cell from one part of the body (bone) can be transplanted to another. Implantation of auto stem cells decreases the risk of immune sensitivity and immune rejection of the implanted stem cells (Blanpain et al., 2012). Contrary to other cells of the body, stem cells are unspecialized. In this essence, the stem cells are capable of self-renewal through cell division, especially after a long period of inactivity. Another classical difference between stem cells and other cells of

Midterm essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Midterm - Essay Example As a function of understanding this reversal and promoting a greater knowledge of what it Immanuel Kant sought to put forward, this particular analysis will be concentric upon analyzing his chain of argument, inspecting its key points, and detailing how an individual that was of an alternate opinion light necessarily argue against the position that he put forward. Accordingly, it is the hope of this particular author that such a unit of analysis will be beneficial in helping to define Immanuel Kant’s argument to a greater degree as well as proving some of the logical inconsistencies and philosophical shortcomings that it exhibits. As has been referenced briefly within the introduction, Immanuel Kant performed is something of a reversal with regard to the way in which he understood ethics and how these apply to humans with relation to animals. As he previously stipulated that animals did not have rights and could not be expected to be treated as such, the reader/philosopher is left with no other alternative but to is that animals to be treated as with any other inanimate object without a level of ethical virtue. Yet, within his piece entitled â€Å"Lectures on Ethics†, Immanuel Kant overturns this particular point of view and argues for the fact that the treatment of an animal is somehow morally and intrinsically related to the way in which an individual will interact with other human beings. In effect, Immanuel Kant’s argument was concentric upon what can be defined as ethical boundaries and the rational capacity by which an individual engage with an animal. As such, Kant’s argument was o ne that focused upon the extension of how a human being might necessarily treat other human beings based upon their treatment of animals. Within this particular argument, one can reasonably infer that an individual who is necessarily cruel, cold hearted, and callous towards ethical boundaries

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 5

Philosophy - Essay Example America’s Visions Different continents in the world have dissimilar myths about human identity. For instance, in America, the first story is on Emergence, which states that all human being came from a different world and settled in the one they are currently living. The other world, which is the womb, is considered as the earth mother. This emergence is often referred to as giving birth. The midwife in this case is a female who is like a spider woman. In this emergence story, the male human beings are not featured anywhere. In this case, the formation of human beings is often done in dissimilar stages of growth and change. This is necessitated by inner forces in the womb, and finally the people emerge from a hole and eventually settle in their present homes. The ex nihilo story is found in many cultures, America included, which means â€Å"out of nothing†. Human identity is brought about by the thought of a creator who through his dreams and breath was able to form a hu man being. Through the creator’s bodily secretions, they believed that a being would be formed because of that. This is solely from within the creator who does not exist in the physical world. Another story is the world parent, which describes the union of two parents when they are both disjoined from one another. These two parents are referred to as the Sky and the Earth, which describes the male, and female respectively. ... East Asia In East Asia, and particularly Japan, their vision of human identity was similar to the American and Central Asian cultures. At first, there was chaos, and out of it came light that formed the sky. It later formed the earth. Both the sky and the earth formed various creations and it is at this time that the roots of two people Yang and Yin who were male and female respectively begun to grow in the sky and the earth. At this time both of them were united together and they started separating to create a man and another light brought another person who was like him and he taught him to make clothes to cover himself because he was naked. Another version is of how a bird was sent under the water to create a land inside the water where people can live. The bird then went splashing water apart with its feet at the same time creating the earth when people will live. They believe that their ancestor was a bear because of their hairy bodies. They also believe that two people a male a nd a female were sent to the earth and had a son from where they originated. Australia and the Pacific vision A vision on the Australian myths was about analyzing every animal and its features, which included why the emu has long legs, why the snake has no legs and the reason why the koala has no tail among others. They tell of the formation of the Milky Way and the migration of animals to Australia. They tell of how the first humans came into existence in the continent and how the beginning came into existence. They believed in a wondrous being that went all over the world creating trees, animals and everything in the world and lastly created human beings. African Vision In

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Midterm essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Midterm - Essay Example As a function of understanding this reversal and promoting a greater knowledge of what it Immanuel Kant sought to put forward, this particular analysis will be concentric upon analyzing his chain of argument, inspecting its key points, and detailing how an individual that was of an alternate opinion light necessarily argue against the position that he put forward. Accordingly, it is the hope of this particular author that such a unit of analysis will be beneficial in helping to define Immanuel Kant’s argument to a greater degree as well as proving some of the logical inconsistencies and philosophical shortcomings that it exhibits. As has been referenced briefly within the introduction, Immanuel Kant performed is something of a reversal with regard to the way in which he understood ethics and how these apply to humans with relation to animals. As he previously stipulated that animals did not have rights and could not be expected to be treated as such, the reader/philosopher is left with no other alternative but to is that animals to be treated as with any other inanimate object without a level of ethical virtue. Yet, within his piece entitled â€Å"Lectures on Ethics†, Immanuel Kant overturns this particular point of view and argues for the fact that the treatment of an animal is somehow morally and intrinsically related to the way in which an individual will interact with other human beings. In effect, Immanuel Kant’s argument was concentric upon what can be defined as ethical boundaries and the rational capacity by which an individual engage with an animal. As such, Kant’s argument was o ne that focused upon the extension of how a human being might necessarily treat other human beings based upon their treatment of animals. Within this particular argument, one can reasonably infer that an individual who is necessarily cruel, cold hearted, and callous towards ethical boundaries

The Juvenile Court System Essay Example for Free

The Juvenile Court System Essay The Juvenile Court is the fulcrum around which rolls the judicial machinery for the treatment of juvenile offenders.   The court may counsel and dismiss a youthful offender or allow a discharge upon the offender submitting a bond to be of good behavior.   The court may also order the commission of the juvenile offender to the care of a relative or other responsible person or to an approved school for corrective education. Oftentimes, parents or guardians are ordered to carry out a bond to exercise proper care and guardianship. The court may issue an order of probation or payment of a fine, compensation or costs. Imprisonment may be ordered as a last resort if determined that the delinquent cannot be appropriately meted out in any other conceivable means.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A state may allow youth offenders to be tried in adult courts for offenses which are serious as murder or rape.   There are ways by which a juvenile may be tried as an adult. One is through a waiver where the juvenile court judge decides whether or not a juvenile case should be transferred to a criminal court. The most popular way is for the prosecution to decide if the juvenile delinquent is to be tried in an adult court or in the juvenile court. The last one is where some offenses are excluded by the state from prosecution in juvenile courts.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   A landmark case concerning juvenile due process is Kent v. United States, where a 14-year old defendant was charged for robbery and rape and interrogated for seven hours until finally admitting his guilt.   Several motions were filed by the defendant but were denied by the judge without a hearing.   The case was appealed to the Court of Appeals but the same was denied.   However, the Supreme Court ruled in his favor, declaring that the accused has the right to the same due process accorded to adult offenders, such as the right to be assisted by counsel during custodial investigation and the right to access to evidence.   This case vaunted an extreme or rigorous effect on how a juvenile court dealt with a juvenile delinquent (l966). In re Gault, which is another landmark case involving the rights of the juvenile offender to due process, Gault, aged 15 was arrested when a neighbor complained that Gault and his friend had called her   and made obscene remarks over the phone.   Without due process, the juvenile was committed to an industrial school until he reaches the age of 21. At that time the Arizona Juvenile Code did not provide specified constitutional rights to the offenders. And under the Arizona law, Gault has no right to appeal. The Supreme Court held that a notice of hearing, informing the juvenile of the charges against him, the right to counsel, the right to confront witnesses and the right against self-incrimination accorded to adult offender must also be provided to the young offender; that the guarantees provided by the constitution do not distinguish a juvenile offender from adult offender (Palicz). In Breed v. Jones, the respondent was only 17 years old when accused of committing acts while holding a gun.   If he was an adult the act was criminal.   The Juvenile Court held that he was guilty of a criminal offense and was again tried as an adult in California Superior Court.   The U.S. Supreme Court held that the proceeding was a violation of the Double Jeopardy Clause of the Fifth Amendment. The respondent was first tried in the juvenile court as a juvenile and again at the superior court as an adult (l975). These cases had strikingly ensued on the manner juvenile delinquents are treated.   The courts now had to afford the juvenile his rights under the constitution.   Legitimate transfer hearing must be provided and notice must be served at the right time to provide ample time for the juvenile and his family to prepare for the case.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Status offenders are juveniles committing actions if committed by adults are not considered as felony or misdemeanor, such as running away from home, smoking,  Ã‚  Ã‚   alcoholism, truancy, and incorrigibility or beyond the control of the parents.   Parents are compelled to file petition to get services from the juvenile justice system as there is little or nothing in the community that provides services or support for status offenders. If a juvenile is adjudged as incorrigible, he is placed under probation which include counseling, psychiatric examination, parenting and assessment for medication. This process is to assist the child and the family in resolving the problem and improve the child’s conduct. For those who ran away from home, the court may order a family relative or friend to take custody of the child.   However, if there is no other option, the court may decide to put the child in jail for a short term. Proceedings in the juvenile court are civil and not criminal and special terms are used for the stages in the proceedings.   There is no jury and hearings are informal, but the rules of evidence apply. In juvenile court the defendant is called respondent and the case commences by petition and not by indictment.   The juvenile may admit or deny the offense charge in the adjudicatory hearing; if the court finds the respondent dangerous, proceedings begin with a detention hearing. Adjudication must take place within 30 days after the service of the petition.   If found that the child committed the acts, a disposition hearing is held.   Adjudication and disposition hearings are two separate proceedings.   In disposition hearing, the court determines whether the respondent needs treatment or rehabilitation and whether he is delinquent. The court may order the services of care providers such as the Department of Social Service, the Board of Education, the Department of Juvenile Services to help in rehabilitating the child.   The final stage is the restitution hearing for the determination of the monetary compensation for the victim who suffered injury for the delinquent acts of the juvenile. The Juvenile Court today has adopted the significant Supreme Court rulings in the landmark cases mentioned above.   Before deciding the case, the court determines the general demeanor of the offender, home and school environment and medical history.   Every possible way to help the parents and the juvenile delinquents are being coordinated not only by the judge but also by other members of the judicial system. References Kent v. U. S. 383 U.S. 541 (1966). Supreme Court of the United States, Supreme Court Collection. Cornell University Law School.   Retrieved on October 25, 2007 from Palicz, A. K. Review in re Gault. Retrieved on October 25, 2007 from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Breed v. Jones, 421 U.S. 519 (1975, May 27). U. S. Supreme Court.   Findlaw. Retrieved on October 25, 2007 from

Monday, October 14, 2019

Effect Horoscopes Have On People Cultural Studies Essay

Effect Horoscopes Have On People Cultural Studies Essay Horoscope is the guesses of daily activities in our every day life and a Birth map is a depiction of the wheel of our planets, houses and positions in that and the explanations of our plan wheel point out the potentials and weak points in our physical and emotional composition which gives us imminent on how to narrate and obtain along with others in order to create our life a better-off and valuable voyage and a scheme to observe if a match between us and another will present us a greater possibility at pleasure based on the mixture of our charts. A Compatibility statement or Synastry explanation and graphic representation combine our chart and a companion to form a new entity (individuality) called relationship. The sign, the growing sign and other position, in most cases, will be different than either your chart or your companions chart. This shows what potentials you will be able to call upon in the relationship and what flaws to conquer. A Birth Chart and Interpretation or either a Horoscope and compatibility statement cannot be precise for everyone born under a exact Zodiac sign unless the Astrologer has correct information about the moment of birth, date of birth and place of birth. Place of residence is important in the directing of daily Horoscopes. At times the moment is not known and an Astrologer will use 10:05 P.M. which, while not as correct as it should be, will put you as close to the target as possible. Without exact information everything we read about our sign anywhere will be generalized information. Astrology is not only influenced by transmissible factors and the surroundings, but also by the position of our solar system at the time of birth. The planets are regarded as central life-forces, the tools we live by as well as the basis of our very gist. These forces take on different forms, depending on their zodiacal arrangement and on the manner they relate to one another. The aspects formed between the planets depict their relationships, the placement of the planets in relation to the place of birth tells us about their appearance in the specialty of life represented by the astrological houses. The function of these players (the planets) and their eminence (the elements, signs and houses) and creating a fusion, astrology is able to present an inclusive and ample picture of the person and his potential, based on the biological horoscope. Biological Astrology tells about the behavior and individuality that you will have as well as some of the most important practice that you are intended to experience. Ptolemy establishing the base of Astrology, which has not changed much and in West its still in use Astrology is the origin of medicine and astronomy. Till 18th century astronomy and astrology were the same sciences. BACKGROUND AND HISTORY Babylonian Empires In Babylonian Empires era people were trying to associate happenings like famine and war with other incidents they monitored in the skies. At one point it was considered by historian and archaeologists that all astrological arrangements invented in Babylon, but that conjecture was rejected because of the separate astrology which exists between the Mayans and Aztecs. Babylonian ministers were frequently called upon to use their associations with the gods to calculate the future, and their two rule ways of doing this were examine the liver of animal and analyzing signs in the sky. The aged known astrological manuscripts are written in the first half of the Hammurabi Dynasty, around in the middle of 18th century BCE. Attempts at analyzing the sky ultimately widen into astrology that we have today. Between 612 and 539 BCE, the sky was separated to twelve fractions, comprising the twelve symbols of the zodiac. Once numerical astronomy expanded under the Persians (539-331 BCE), it became feasible to determine some of the movement of diverse planets and the moon, permitting for the improvement of horoscopes related to what we observe today. The oldest known horoscope is a natural horoscope not different the type formed by astrologers in this century. There is not actually missing of the unique tablet, and all we can read of the forecast itself is fundamentally, things will be good for you. Even then, astrologers had started perfectly the art of non-false able statements. I am focusing on Horoscope in astrology that is why its important to give brief introduction about horoscope Houses of Horoscope These twelve houses of horoscope tell us about the different regions of our lives. Â  The foundation of every house is called the cusp. Â  Each house has natural symbol and natural ruling sign. Here is the chart of signs beginning with Aries and ending up at Pisces. Mentioned introduction, history and background of the astrology and horoscope because I think for any research you should have acknowledged about your topic. Horoscope is becoming popular. People read it may be just for fun or they have strong belief in it. Media is promoting horoscope through magazines, radio, television, and internet. So people have easy access to it. In newspapers and magazines there is a separate column for it. In television we can see people having laptops in their hands and they take live calls and ask for ones time and place of birth so they can tell them what their predicted future is, in radio we can hear our daily horoscope. Apart from newspaper, TV, radio we have an access of internet and on that we can subscribe our email address to specific website or astrologer and they can email us our daily horoscope. Basically this research paper is focusing on horoscope and why do people believe in that. PROBLEM STATMENT What are the factors that are leading people to believe in astrology and what gender is more prone to believe in it? OBJECTIVES: SOCIAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL MOTIVES Hectic and tough routine of life made people to believe in horoscope. They find it easy to know about their future before hand. So they spend their day according to that. Women used it for households and men in business matters. People are keen to know about their love life, career, luck etc. These things have been affecting our generations because we have started believing and relying on it so much and feel satisfied. High competition among people forced them to believe in superstitious possessions. Every body wishes for best and want to fulfill their needs. But the frenetic life of people made them to go for horoscope so they have better understanding of their forecast. DIFFERENCE IN INCLINATION TOWARDS HOROSCOPE AMONGST MALES AND FEMALES According to research females are more inclined towards horoscope. The reason may be they have enough time to think on these issues and they are more curious than men. Men leave their homes early morning and come back late. They spent most of their time outside and have busy schedule. When they back home their preference would be their family. But it doesnt mean that women are free all the time. Its just a natural phenomenon that women are more inquisitive about their family and enthusiastic to know what will come next in their lives. Females are more superstitious which makes them eager to compare their current lives with the horoscope that comes in newspaper, television, radio and magazines. Men, by nature are far more realistic. They believe in facts more rather than going for horoscopes. MOTIVES Love life The interesting fact is that people read their horoscope because they are keen to know about their love life and if they are in relationship how long it will go. The attuned factor is also involved. They wanted to know that the temperament of both is similar with each other or not. And what personality features are different. Luck People are eager to know what color, number, or stone is lucky for them e.g. when they come to know about these specific things they try to wear that color or stone on special occasions of their lives and try to keep special things on dates that stand for their lucky number. Guidance People read horoscope and consider it as a guide. Many people are addicted to it and cant spend their day without reading it. They feel satisfied when they have an idea about their future and try to act accordingly whats written in their part. Entertainment Some or many people read astrology just for fun and take it as an entertainment. Its just because they dont believe in it and read it to pass time or may be to reduce their curiosity. And most of them read it because they believe every body else is reading. Relaxation People go for horoscope because they want to lighten up their selves. Life is like a test and they want to pass the test by knowing the future ahead. It gives them an opportunity to plan their daily lives according to the predictions provided in horoscopes so they can achieve the maximum success. Escape Horoscope is another way of escaping from reality. People are infuriated of their chaotic routine and want tension free time so they go for horoscope. Control People want control over their lives; have desire for reducing their worries so they read, view or listen about their horoscope. By horoscopes people believe that their future has been forecasted earlier, this gives them an opportunity to make their decisions according to it. It gives them the satisfaction that they will never fail as they have taken all the precautionary measures. This way they actually try to control their lives and make everything impossible, possible. Affection Some people are not interested in knowing about their own horoscope. They are curious about whats going on in their beloveds life and how will be their future and will they be the part of their lives or not. Or the other thing is that they wanted to know what kind of personality they have, and what zodiac would be the best companion for them. For the believers, it is important that you find two astrologers for yourself and observe who is telling you the right picture. And what other has missed. The one you find better stick with him/her. A good astrologer is like a good mechanic. An expert mechanic fix out the problem for so long whereas, a bad one may take more money but his work would not be reliable. Same is the case with good and bad astrologer, a fine astrologer see all aspects and tell you nearly accurate and qualitative portrayal about you, while a bad one does not focus on every aspect and gives his prediction over all. Recommendation and conclusion This research paper views that people are dependent on horoscope. It helps them in building up their confidence that what is going to happened in their future. Tensions and pressure of daily life made them to search the cure, so they go for reading horoscope. By knowing about their future they will be able to prepare themselves according to the coming situation. This need of people has increased the value of

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Teaching Philosophy :: Teachers Education School Essays

Teaching Philosophy Education is the foundation of each person's knowledge, skill, talent, and understanding. Each and every person in the world has benefited in some way from the act of another person teaching him or her something, whether it is inside or outside of the classroom. Truly, people learn a great deal from experiences outside of the classroom, but a school provides the means and foundation for education, and everybody takes away more than facts and answers from it. A school gives someone the opportunity to think, challenge him or herself, solve problems, and search for answers. It is where people discover how to learn on their own and, in doing so, they can take this with them into the "real world," since learning is a never-ending process. Teaching for me isn't an act of lecturing and dispensing facts, answers, and an endless amount of information. Rather, it is an interactive process where I can give my students the greatest opportunity to think on their own and begin to learn how to discover answers on their own. As a teacher, I am concerned with providing the tools for learning, rather than the facts and answers to problems. My students need to be actively engaged in their own learning process and in the discovery of answers. Learning is a continual process through life. My goal is to provide my students with the appropriate tools so they can take them into the world and continue to use them after leaving my classroom. They should never be without the tools to discover, solve, and experiment in their own lives. If they should ever, at some point in life, stop in their pursuit to discover a new idea, then I have not one my job successfully. It is my job as the teacher to get my students to find the answers to questio ns they do not know. Just as I say I never want my students to stop learning, the same applies for myself. Teaching isn't just a profession for me; rather it is a foundation for learning. Teaching allows me to continue learning new concepts and ideas. There are so many new discoveries found everyday, and teaching allows me to share these new ideas with my students in the classroom to not only enlighten them, but to enlighten myself as well. Teaching allows me to grow with my students and is never a static job.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Roles of the Housekeeper and Nursemaid in Brontes Jane Eyre :: Jane Eyre essays

Roles of the Housekeeper and Nursemaid in Bronte's Jane Eyre    Just as servants played an essential role in Victorian England, they also played an essential role in the novel Jane Eyre. Bronte uses servants in a variety of ways. For example the housekeeper is used to bring terror and utter rejection on Jane. The nursemaid is used to teach Jane to love and nurture without neglecting discipline. The housekeeper was most often a widow, working for her kin (Hill 119). Mrs. Fairfax falls under the category of the widowed older lady working for her kin (107; ch. 11). It is Mrs. Fairfax who responds to Jane’s ad and hires her (96; ch. 10). It is also Mrs. Fairfax who warns Jane before her wedding to Rochester that she should not trust him. Being the housekeeper as well as kin Mrs. Fairfax knows a lot about Rochester. She suggests that Jane "keep Mr. Rochester at a distance: distrust yourself as well as him" ( 263; ch. 24). Bronte uses the stern housekeeper in the novel to influence Jane. The stern and disproving Mrs. Fairfax signifies the distress and turmoil that is soon to take place with the pending wedding. The housekeeper was often a terror to other servants in the home, and is the character of many stories haunting (Huggert 33). Mrs. Fairfax adhering to her role as housekeeper attempts to stir terror in Jane about marrying Rochester by telling her to distrust him (263; ch. 24). We find that Mrs. Fairfax’s warning does indeed take a toll on Jane’s behavior toward Rochester. After treating Rochester coolly for weeks, Jane says, "Mrs. Fairfax, I saw, approved me" (272; ch. 25). The same kind of attributes are displayed by Hannah the housekeeper at Moor House. The same kind of close loyal bond is also displayed by Hannah. When Jane knocks on the door of Moor House , it is Hannah who answers and turns her away. Hannah’s loyalty to the family causes her to distrust strangers and attempt to protect their interests. She refuses to allow Jane to even speak to her mistresses (329; ch. 28 ). Jane continues claiming she will die if turned away. Hannah responds: Not you. I’m fear’d you have some ill plans agate, that bring you about folk’s houses at this time o’ night. If you’ve any followers- housebreakers or such like- anywhere near, you may tell them we are not by ourselves in the house; we have a gentleman, and dogs, and guns.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Human Genetic Engineering Essay

â€Å"Human genetic engineering is the alteration of an individual’s genotype with the aim of choosing the phenotype of a newborn or changing the existing phenotype of a child or adult. It holds the promise of curing genetic diseases like cystic fibrosis, and increasing the immunity of people to viruses. It is speculated that genetic engineering could be used to change physical appearance, metabolism, and even improve mental faculties like memory and intelligence†. (Wikipedia) There are many risks associated with putting genes into a human body while getting the desired results. There are genes that are carried in on viral vectors and we have altered these budgets so that they do not infect a person with a disease. There have been several deaths in gene therapy trials, such as â€Å"Jesse Gelsinger†, in 1999. Genetic engineering has attracted much controversy, pros and cons. There have been cries that scientists are â€Å"playing God† and this will lead to a two-tier society or as some would say; the haves and have- nots. This isn’t any different that the cries that were heard across the world when Louise Brown, the first child to be conceived by IVF treatment, was born. This was in the late 1970’s. Today IVF is a common but expensive fertility treatment. Genetic engineering holds the potential that parents would assemble their children genetically, to be smarter or more athletic or have a certain eye or hair color. It is this genetic engineering of humans that frighten people. They are afraid that we would somehow design the human race. But then again, people say that this could be a benefit to be able to sort out the genes that criminals have and weed it out. It is also said that a genetically engineered human could suffer from a reduced sense of individuality. A cloned child might feel that their future is worth less than a non cloned child. Critics also argue that cloning would encourage parents to value how well child can genetically meet their expectations rather than loving them for who they are. It is also said that with cloning humans, that parents and society would view their children as objects rather than a person with actually feelings. If human cloning becomes a reality and a regular social practice, parents might want to â€Å"play the lottery† and chose their child genetically. One of the saddest parts about genetic engineering is that it could end human individuality. Everyone would want to be skinny, muscular, beautiful, and intelligent and who knows what else. If your DNA could be shaped would you choose inferior traits? This could possibly end artistic expression and individuality, and make everyone predictable, identical, and boring just like a robot.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Who is the real Alcibiades?

According to Gribble (1999) Alcibiades is one of the most famous political people from Greece in the ancient history who came from a one of the powerful families in the ancient Greek.He is said to have been a very courageous man, ambitious but yet with bad morals Apart from being an active person in the political issues he was also talented in giving good speeches an art that he was taught by one of his great teachers who at that time was the Socrates.His life in politicsAlcibiades started his career in politics during the time of a war called the Peloponnesian war that involved the people of Sparta and Greece. In this war Alcibiades with his ambitions wanted to lead the army to continue fighting so that Greek would win over the Spartans because there were signs that the war was ending.Nicias who was representing and commanding the army in Greek had entered into peace deals with the people of Sparta. So one day some people from Sparta were sent to Athens the city of Greece to deliver a message of peace to the people of Greece going specifically through Nicias Gribble (1999).As discussed in Gribble (1999) while they were there Alcibiades through his sweet talk managed to convince them to oppose the idea of having peace between the two regions as it would only benefit Nicias. By doing all this he undermined the efforts of Athens and Sparta of wanting to make peace with the Spartans by giving false information to the people who had been sent from Sparta to negotiate with Nicias.Following the information that Sparta the war resumed with the people of Athens blaming Nicias who latter on lost political trust among the people of Athens and in effort to ensure that they maintained their powerful status that Greek was holding in the society they appointed Alcibiades to be the commander of their army starting a political career that led him to problems until his death at a war while he was still a commander.The other wars that he in participated in include the war agains t the Abydos, Chalydon and other wars that were outside the city of Athens in which his strategies were said to have succeeded in setting the enemies against the Athenians.Roles he playedAs summarized in   Gribble (1999) at the time he was the commander Alcibiades made so many enemies because of this habit of changing political stands and taking actions that cost the lives of people and some of his actions were considered not to be moral in the society.This was seen when at the start of his political life he led campaigns that were portraying Athenians as people who were so aggressive in using their power during the Peloponnesian war. He had used the Sparta people to achieve his own intentions in that manner made friends with them since they thought of him as being their true friend.In addition to that Gribble (1999) at the time Athens went to war with Sicily he was accused of disobeying the rules that had been set by the army and disobeying the other rulers which made the enemies in Athens wanting to kill him.He then ran to Sparta and from there he again incited the Spartan against the Athenians in the war that came afterwards. As an adviser to the Spartans he made them to withdraw the support that they were giving in aid for war that had just ended in Athens getting their support.Gribble (1999) he then went back to Athens by promising the people of Athens that he would facilitate a process that would ensure they get a new constitution. He also promised to take riches to them from Sparta and with all the sincerity they accepted him back. After he was taken back the military gave him a big position where he planned to undermine the commander by spreading information that the Athens military had persuaded him to return so as to bring change when he failed to fulfill his promises.How he looked as a traitorThrough all the actions that he led Alcibiades was always seen inciting many people who were against Athens. He used to draw the attention of those people by luring them through talks, using money, false promises among other favors.This made Greece to face a tough time in dealing with its enemies as given that there was someone like Alcibiades who had most of the information about Greece many of their war secrets were give out making them to be more cautious on the strategies that they were using. By doing all this evil deeds at the last minute he was disowned by the people when the war ended and he was left to the enemies who killed him Gribble (1999).

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Case Report of the Alaska-Airline Disaster

This case report discusses about the Alaska-airline crash that has occurred on Jan, 31, 2000 at California. The causes, contributing factors, potential hazards and safe- guards that were ignored in accordance with air crash were discussed. This incident teaches a great lesson to the world to prevent future air- accidents and the inadequacies in policies to prevent loss of life and property.   Ã‚  Ã‚   The most miserable disaster of Alaska-Airline took place on 31 st January, 2000 at approximately 1621 Pacific- Standard time. The flight 261 that involves MD (McDonnell Douglas) - 83, N963AS was crashed at approximately 2.7 miles in the Pacific Ocean specifically at the north side of Anacapa- island of California. All the people in the flight that includes two pilots, three crew-members of cabin as well as 83 passengers were killed with destruction of the flight by impact forces (Carmody, 2002). There were dozen causes that have contributed to this disaster and have taught a great lesson about flight maintenance.    The main cause is that the in-flight failure of the acme- nut threads that is present on the jack-screw assembly (trim system) of the horizontal-stabilizer of flight has occurred. This has lead to the loss of pitch control of the flight. NTSB (2003) has stated that the jack-screw assembly is the most integral as well as crucial part of the trim- system of horizontal-stabilizer that acts as a critical airplane system and the destruction of this jack-screw assembly has caused the flight disaster. Moreover, the thread failure has occurred due to the insufficient lubrication that has lead to the excessive wear of the Alaska Airlines (Cockpit database, 2000). Basically, there was a fault in the fundamental MD- 83 flight design as it has no fail-safe design to counteract the thread loss of the total acme-nut that has lead to the catastrophic effects. In this disaster, improper adherence to the maintenance process as well as inspection of the jack-screw parts has exacerbated the design fault and has resulted in crash (Carmody, 2002). Another factor that has contributed was the extended interval for lubrication process. The Federal aviation-administration (FAA) has approved the extended lubrication interval that has contributed to the missing or improper lubrication. This has resulted in the complete wear of the threads of acme-nut. Further, increased interval for end- play check with approval from FAA for extension has allowed to the excessive wear that has progressed to failure without detecting the flaw. The horizontal-stabilizer has stopped working to the commands of the pilot and they were unable to rule out the cause. The acme- nut threads have worn inside the horizontal stabilizer and were sheared off completely. Then, the acme-screw and nut has jammed that has prevented the movement of horizontal-stabilizer. Later, the jam was overcome that has allowed the acme-screw to pull acme-nut causing the airplane to pitch downward (NTSB, 2003). It had lead to the (low- cycled fatigue) fracture of the torque tube again lowering the pitch from which regaining is impossible.   The use of auto-pilot at the time of horizontal stabilizer jam was inappropriate. Moreover, lack of checklist to land at these circumstances is an additional drawback. The pilots were not provided with clear guidelines to avoid experimenting with improper troubleshooting measures (Woltjer, 2007). The slats and flaps should have extended by the captain when the flight was controlled by the configuration after initial drive. The acme-nut threads were found to have worn extensively due to ineffective lubrication on the acme parts that have lead to the disaster. The recovered acme showed dried degraded grease that suggests that, it was not greased recently. The post-accident interviews of SPO-mechanic indicated that they had no knowledge to lubricate acme (NTSB, 2003). The safety board concluded that inadequate lubrication and lack of standard measures have lead to the accident. Fig: 1 shows acme-nut with plugged grease Increased pressure in the flight maintenance area in correcting, maintaining and delivering the flight in given time has contributed to this disaster. In this disaster, they have falsified the records that the flight has passed through the inspection process due to the increased pressure on them to make a scheduled return (Carmody, 2002). The measurements have showed that the jack-screw was in the brink to wear out and requires to be replaced by a newer jack-screw: but as it may delay the departure time, they have altered the record to be airworthy (ATEC, 2005).  The maintenance persons don’t have assertiveness to speak about the importance of lubrication and replacing the wear to the company.   The maintenance personnel have not helped the pilots when they were at horizontal-stabilizer problems. The safety issues in this accident include improper lubrication with inspection of the jack-screw, extended end-play check-intervals, over-haul procedures of jack-screw and design with certification of horizontal-stabilizer, maintenance program and FAA’s inadequacies has lead to disaster. Standards should be issued to pilots with the instructions to handle mal-functioning situations. NTSB (2002) ordered MD flights to replace dried greases with fresh grease. The size of the access-panel was increased to lubricate the jack-screw properly (FAA, 2002). The lubrication procedure for jack-screw was established as an inspection item to be signed by an inspector. The existing intervals were reviewed to identify the fault in the flight components. NTSB (2002) has conducted an evaluation and has issued a report with recommendations for maintenance. Improving fail- safe mechanism in MD design, promoting end-play check interval, issuing newer certification regulations and policies for horizontal stabilizers ensures safe air-travel. ATEC. (2005)  Incorporating Air Transport Association Codes into Maintenance Curriculum, ATEC Journal, 26 (2). Available from Aviation Technician Education Council [Accessed 28/02/17] Carmody, C.J. (2002)  Aircraft Accident Incident Report. Loss of Control and Impact with Pacific Ocean Alaska Airlines Flight 261 McDonnell Douglas MD-83, N963AS About 2.7 Miles North of Anacapa Island, California January 31, 2000, National Transportation Safety Board, Washington, DC:   National Transportation Safety Board. [Accessed 28/02/17] Cockpit database. (2000) Cockpit voice recorder database. Available from [Accessed 28/02/17] FAA. (2002) Accident Board Recommendations, U.S.  Department  of  Transportation. Available from [Accessed 28/02/17] NTSB. (2003) Loss of control and impact with Pacific Ocean, Alaska Airlines Flight 261, McDonnell Douglas MD-83, N963AS, about 2.7 miles north of Anacapa Island, California, January 31, 2000 (Aircraft Accident Report No. NTSB/AAR-02/01), National Transportation Safety Board. Washington, DC: National Transportation Safety Board [Accessed 28/02/17] Woltjer, R., & Hollnagel, E. (2007) The Alaska Airlines Flight 261 accident, A systemic analysis of functional resonance. Proceedings of the 2007 (14th) International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP), pp. 763-768. Available from [Accessed 28/02/17]